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Auger Cleans Grain Out Of Truck Box Corners
Easy way to clean out the corners of truck boxes without having to climb inside is the Truck Corner-Cleaner.
Manufactured by Turner Mfg., Thompson, Mo., the 5-in. dia. auger fits standard 8-ft. wide steel and wood boxes. By simply turning the handle attached on one end of the auger, you can empty material from each corner. Auger has "opposing" spirals so you empty both corners at once.
The auger is in two separate sections which slide together and are held together by a pin. One end of the auger fits in a bearing bolted to one side of the truck box. The opposite end of the auger shaft extends through a 1-in. hole drilled in the other side of the box. A handle attaches to this shaft for turning the auger.
By removing two pins you can quickly take the auger out.
Sells for $86.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Turner Mfg., Thompson, Mo 65285 (ph 314 682-3813).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #3