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Convert Barb Wire Fence To Electric
"It's an easy new way to convert existing barbed wire fences to electric," says Ray Martin, distributor of a new slip-on fence insulator that lets you gradually convert existing fences over to electric.
The insulator, made from nylon and fiberglass, is essentially a ring with a slot in the top that lets you slip a wire into it. On an existing barbed wire fence, you can gradually replace the staples with the insulators and convert to electric. On a new fence, the insulators install easily on either metal or wood posts. On wood posts they screw on with two screws and on metal posts a special metal clip is used.
Inside edges of the insulator are beveled so even large-size barbed wire slides through. Because the wire isn't fastened down, you can tighten a whole length of wire in one pull and, as it loosens up, it can be easily re-tightened. It's also extremely strong ù the company tested various prototypes by driving a tractor through sections of fence.
Stay-On insulators sell for 25 cents apiece.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stay-On Distributing, Co., Box 213, Richardton, N. Dak. 58652 (ph 701 974-2430).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #3