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Using A Tote To Collect Used Oil
DrainMaster from 139 MFG helps keep your shop and tools clean by providing an all-in-one space for collecting oil and a convenient storage space for oil change equipment.
    While there are many models to choose from, each DrainMaster boasts a sleek design and durable construction. Each DrainMaster slopes down in the center so water will drain into the tote. Just place your filters and tools on top, and gravity will do the rest. Excess oil will drain through the grates and filter into the bucket you place directly under the spigot, putting the oil in a receptacle, which you can dispose of at your convenience. So, DrainMasters are an ideal setup for any shop that wants to contain mess while protecting the environment by preventing hazardous liquids from going down the drain or making it outside. The covers are also waterproof to prevent rain contamination.
    The DrainMaster Tote Elite weighs about 150 lbs. and top mounts on a 1,000-liter tote. It’s easy to open and close one-handed, thanks to two 80-lb gas shocks that assist with lifting and lowering. The Tote Elite’s heavy-duty grate allows for an angled gravity drain, and the large surface area offers ample space for filters, tools, and other equipment. The Tote Elite also has a hinged lid for outdoor use, ensuring you can keep out rain and other elements.
    Other models are suitable for use with barrels, top mounts on 1,000-liter totes, and simple drainage into buckets. Pricing ranges from $299 CAD ($220 USD) for the DrainMaster Barrel Pro to $1,499 CAD ($1,100 USD) for both the DrainMaster Tote Elite and Wheeler Elite. Customer reviews show that the DrainMaster is well worth the price in lube shops for keeping things clean and tidy.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, 139 MFG, Elk Point, Alberta, Canada (ph 780-808-1429; info@139mfg.ca; www.139mfg.ca).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3