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Natural Product Eliminates Ticks & Pests
“One of the biggest attractions about TickKillz™ is the whole safety profile,” says Mark Wilson, owner and co-developer of the 100-percent natural pest control product. Its EPA 25(b) exempt status indicates that it’s safe for children, pets, the applicator, and pollinators.
The other outstanding quality of the product is its high percentage of active ingredients—about 55 percent.
In their research and testing, Wilson and his co-developer chose cedarwood oil as the main ingredient.
“Cedarwood oil is the most widely accepted insect repellant and has been used forever,” Wilson says. With a little peppermint oil, the smell repels insects, and it can create an effective barrier for about a month against ticks and other pests. The addition of 2-Phenethyl Propionate, which comes from dried foods such as guava, gives TickKillz the power to kill insects hit by the wet application.
“It kills to interrupt reproduction, then creates a barrier. It’s a repeated system of kill, then repel to get a property under control,” Wilson says. For ticks, that generally requires four applications a season with normal rainfall. Mosquitoes and other pests may require additional treatments.
With experience working in the landscape industry and recognizing the growing threat of tick-borne diseases, most of Wilson’s customers are professional landscapers or pest control companies. They offer customers spraying services, typically between April and October. They mix 1 oz. of TickKillz with 5 gal. of water and apply about 1 gal./1,000 sq. ft.
For DIYers, TickKillz comes in a convenient 8 oz. hose end spray unit that can be attached to the end of a garden hose. It’s enough to cover about 15,000 sq. ft. At about $40, it costs more than other essential oil products, Wilson notes, but with its high percentage of active ingredients, it’s much more effective.
TickKillz is available on Amazon and through businesses in 42 states, especially in the mid-Atlantic and the Upper Midwest. Wilson invites interested distributors to contact him.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Natural Repellents, LLC, P.O. Box 251, Denville, N.J. 07834 (ph 973-277-3904; mwilson1123@optonline.net; www.tickkillz.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3