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Big Technology Added To Small Bale Equipment
The SimplEbale retrofit baler upgrade gives small bale operators the same monitoring and control system available in large balers. It’s currently available for Massey Ferguson Hesston® 1800 Series small square balers and may be available for other models in the future.
Instead of getting off the tractor to check bales, a monitor allows operators to make adjustments in the cab. That saves time and improves efficiency for producers who custom bale small bales to sell retail for a premium price.
“Consistency is an important factor,” says Luke Weller, engineering manager with AGCO Corporation, which started selling SimplEbale upgrades in early 2024. “We give the operator the ability to do everything automatically without getting out of the cab, with a push of a button.”
For example, small livestock owners who purchase small bales use hay flakes to measure how much to feed. So, the number/size of flakes per bale must be consistent. The in-cab monitor helps the operator determine how fast to go based on the windrow to do that.
The system also helps set consistent bale length, hydraulic control, moisture sensing, and bale weight by adding optional features.
Customers who have used SimplEbale have said they wouldn’t bale without it.
“Large operations say they’ll switch their whole fleet because it’s easier to train people, and for skilled operators, it creates a lot less stress,” Weller says.
That’s especially true in western states where operators pull a steamer between the tractor and baler because the hay is too dry. SimplEbale’s auto density mode allows the operator to watch his speed and adjust the right amount of steam.
Contact your Massey Ferguson or AGCO dealer, Weller says, to order SimplEbale for fall delivery. Prices range from $5,000 up to $13,500 for the kits to retrofit either 2 or 3-string Massey Ferguson balers, which include the scale chute attachment that weighs every bale.
“The kits take about 8 to 10 hrs. to install, and customers have the option to install the kits themselves or have their local dealer help,” Weller says.
Contact: www.masseyferguson.com or your local dealer.

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3