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Step-Mounted Boom Makes Spraying Tough Spots Easy
Merle Martin’s side-step mounted boom is ideal for spraying hard-to-reach areas. The 6-ft. boom has two tips mounted on the boom and a flat fan nozzle at its tip.
    “I have two valves on the spray solution line, so I can shut off either the spray tips on the boom or the end nozzle or run all three,” says Martin. “I use it to spray road ditches, fence lines, woods, and field edges.”
    The boom hinges to a 3-ft. long, 3-in. wide steel leg mounted to the step on the right-hand side of Martin’s Deere 2755. A small hand winch is mounted at the top of the leg. It lets him raise or lower the boom. A cord on the winch is tied to the boom about halfway up the boom length.
    Two washers with rubber belting on the winch shaft brake the cord. Once Martin sets the boom in position, it stays in place.
    “I could've used a hydraulic cylinder, but I can easily control the winch from the tractor seat, adjusting valves and boom height,” says Martin. “I have a flat fan tip with variable flow on the end. It puts out more solution on the top and is lighter on the bottom to throw product farther out when spraying along the woods.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Merle Martin, 446 E. Brubaker Valley Rd., Lititz, Penn. 17543 (ph 717-538-2518).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #6