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Handy Dispenser For Canned Pet Food
Somebody's finally discovered a "spoonless" and "no mess" way to dispense canned pet food.
It's Mike Ryan, president of Ryan Industries, of Mitchellville, Iowa, and inventor of Pet Mate, the first and only canned pet food dispenser on the market. It works like an air cylinder to eject the contents of the can into the pet's dish. "There's no mess, no spoon and no pet food on your fingers," explains Ryan.
To operate the Pet Mate, you simply remove the top of the pet food can and set it down. You then place the Pet Mate's outer cylinder over the open end of the can, inserting it full length (snapping it into place) and pick it up. The can is now positioned upside down in the outer cylinder.
Next, insert the inner cylinder into the outer cylinder, enclosing the can and turning the dispenser into an air cylinder. The inner cylinder has a stainless steel spike (3/8 dia. and 1 in. long) molded into it inside at top center. As you push down on the inner cylinder, the spike pierces a hole into the bottom of the "upside down" can. Adjacent to the spike is a small air intake hole. After having pulled the inner cylinder to its top-most position for the "power" stroke, this air hole is covered by your finger before pushing down again. The second stroke forces the entrapped air in the cylinder through the pierced hole in the can which, in turn, forces the can's contents out onto the Pet Mate's serving tray.
Each push-pull stroke of the serving plunger dispenses a round patty approximately equal to one-fourth of the can's contents. The device allows you to serve only a portion of the can and then safely return it to the refrigerator for storage. The key component of this "odor proof" design isthe "rotary" closure knob, located on the front of the serving base. It's turned open to dispense food, then turned back to close the plunger opening, covering the food left on the end of the serving plunger and providing an odor and moisture-tight seal, explains Ryan.
For large pets that consume the full contents of a 14 or 23¢ ounce can in one serving, you don't need to use the "measured serving" base part of the dispenser. You simply snap the base away from the two cylinders to "pump" the entire contents of the can right into the dog's dish.
Slated to be on the market later this summer, the Pet Mate will be available for both the 14 oz. (approx. $15.00 each) and the 23¢ oz. (approx. $19.98 each) pet food cans. Patents are pending.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ryan Industries Inc., 209 Mill St. S.W., Box 426, Mitchellville, Iowa 50169 (ph 515 967-2853).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #3