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Light Kits Made From Molded Plastic
A lot of new portable light kits for wagons and trailers have come on the market over the last few years, but these two offered by Argis Ltd., Listowel, Ontario, might be the slickest ones we've seen yet.
The bars are made from heavy-duty molded plastic. One bar has flashing yellow lights on the outside and a red light at the center (with red reflectors on either side). The red light glows like a tail light. If you have an older tractor without a built-in turn signal lever, a battery-operated control box is available that lets you activate the yellow turn signal lights.
The other bar has red lights on the outside and a yellow light at center (also with red reflectors on either side). The yellow light constantly flashes as a caution light. The red lights glow like tail lights until you activate the tractor's or pickup's turn signal lever.
Each bar sells for $125. Control box (optional) sells for $125.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Argis Ltd., RR 3, Listowel, Ontario, Canada N4W 3G8 (ph 519 291-4205).

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #6